
Learn how you can use Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Parallel Server to speed up MATLAB applications by using the desktop and cluster computing hardware you already have.

You will learn how minimal programming efforts can speed up your applications on widely available desktop systems equipped with multicore processors and GPUs, and how to continue scaling your speed up with a computer cluster.


  • Demonstrate how you can use parallel computing to speed up optimization problems in MATLAB.
  • Perform a single-level optimization problem in parallel, comparing built-in capabilities with custom parallelization of the computationally intensive objective function.
  • How to set up multilevel optimization problems and run them in parallel.


MATLAB Software Activation

MATLAB Now Available to the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Campus Community

The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) now offers a campus-wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and a full suite of products. All faculty, researchers, and students are eligible to download and install these products on their university computers as well as their personally-owned computers.

Activate your licence and start taking online, self-paced courses to obtain your first MATLAB Certificate right away.




*Note: This is pre-requisite before joining the seminar or workhsop





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Our Speaker


Intan Nuralisa Mat Dali

      Customer Success Engineer

TechSource Systems

Intan Nuralisa is a Customer Success Engineer at TechSource Systems, Malaysia. She works to improve the adoption of MATLAB and toolboxes in universities around Southeast Asia. At TechSource Systems, she gains exeperience in Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Predictivie Maintenance, Control Designs and Model-Based Design with MATLAB and Simulink.

Beforehand, she graduated from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with an BEng in Chemical-Gas Engineering, and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Chemical Engineering.

She has built her forte in Data Analysis, Deep Learning for Communications, Statistical Analytic with MATLAB. Currently her main interest is in Control Systems, Predictive Maintenance, and Robotic Systems. 


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