Hardware Implementation of Wireless System Design Using MATLAB and Simulink


Wireless engineers can use software-defined radio hardware as a cost-effective, real-time platform for a range of wireless engineering tasks, including over-the-air lab and field testing with live RF signals and rapid prototyping of custom radio functions. Using MATLAB® and Simulink®, users can go from designing and simulating communications algorithms to generating production implementations targeting the Xilinx® Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC and Analog Devices AD9361 RF Agile Transceiver. 


We will demonstrate how to:

  • Model and simulate radio designs

  • Verify implementation with radio-in-the loop tests

  • Deploy, prototype, and verify custom designs on SDR hardware using HDL and C code generation from algorithm models


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With 10 years of experience in Communications Systems and RF, Suharyono specializes in helping companies and government agencies to implement hardware and systems in the field of communications. As an Applications Engineer at Techsource Systems, Suharyono also focuses on supporting customers for adopting HDL code generation and 5G/LTE technology.

He holds a Master of Science (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Bachelor of Science (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) from Oregon State University, USA. He possess a strong foundation of hardware as well as programming skillset to ensure success in his clients.

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