The AI Engine is a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) vector units. It has application-specific vector extensions to make it highly optimized for compute-intensive applications, specifically digital signal processing (DSP), 5G wireless applications, and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, such as machine learning (ML).
This VLIW vector processor is hardened in 7nm @ 1 GHz at the lowest speed grade, increasing for faster speed grades. It is software programmable, so you can write C/C++ code, and a compiler will schedule and compile all instructions.
The AI Engine has a 32-bit scalar unit and 512-bit SIMD vector unit that supports both fixed-point and floating-point precision. The AI Engine also has 16 KB of program memory, an instruction fetch and decode unit, two load units, one store unit, three address generators, a stall handler, an accumulator stream FIFO, and a control/debug/trace unit. So, the Versal devices provide a wide range of neural networking capabilities.
In this workshop, you will learn about the Versal™ adaptive SoC and the architecture of the AI Engine, the various interfaces available in the AI Engine tile, Versal AI Engine Tool Flow and Vitis Model Composer for AI Engine Design.
Dr.Marta Tjoa
Trainer and Senior Training Consultant
Dr Marta Tjoa is Trainer and Senior Training Consultant at TechSource Systems Pte Ltd. She has more than 25 years of experience in using MATLAB and Simulink and she has conducted numerous basic and advanced courses in MATLAB and Simulink to the industries in ASEAN countries. She has helped engineers, data scientists, and financial professionals, with little or no programming background to jumpstart MATLAB and Simulink in the shortest time. She helped them in doing some of their tasks on data modeling, data science analysis, system dynamic modeling, optimization and machine learning and deep learning for image processing application. She delivered courses to implement Digital Signal Processing and Image Processing applications on AMD FPGAs and SoCs using Simulink.
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