Bridging Wireless Communications Design and Testing with MATLAB

Wireless engineering teams report saving as much as 30% in overall development time when working in a software environment that connects algorithm design, system simulation, over-the-air testing, prototyping, and implementation.


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Download this white paper to see a cohesive development process that accelerates the delivery of working prototypes and products, using case studies and examples of MATLAB® and Simulink®. Topics include:

  5G NR, LTE, and WLAN standards-compliant simulation

Massive MIMO antenna array, beamforming, and power amplifier modeling and simulation

Verification and testing with RF instruments and SDR

Wireless prototyping and implementation with FPGA and SoC-based SDR

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White Paper Bridging Wireless Communications Design and Testing with MATLAB

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Develop wireless communication project with MATLAB, Simulink, and a full set of products for wireless communication.

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